Bribie Cove ANZAC Service - Phillip’s Story


In honour of those who served, we share Phillip’s story of 7 years of service.

At the age of 20, Phillip, a professional parachute instructor at the time, was approached by the army to enlist during the Vietnam War.

After Philip was promoted to Sergeant, he was designated the role of ‘Free Fall Parachute Instructor’ – training recruits to jump out of the planes. He explained that training was hard back in those days, he would strap them up, give them instructions and out they went. Philip said he would do around 8 trips in a day and had trained many young men.

He gave 7 years of his life to the service and expresses the importance of remembering our diggers “they fought for us, we are here today because of them”.

On Friday afternoon, Phillip and fellow residents Stafford and Roger took part in our service at Bribie Cove, accepting the role of laying our wreaths.

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