Our cornerstones

Guiding everything we do.

What is a cornerstone?

A cornerstone is the first stone placed in the masonry foundation of a building, thereby setting the orientation of the entire building.
In short, the cornerstone sets the foundation for the future.

Our 7 cornerstones

At McKenzie, we have a set of seven key values that we refer to as our ‘cornerstones’.
Developed in collaboration with staff, our cornerstones guide and reflect our philosophy and the spirit, culture and values of everyone who works here.

Everyone at McKenzie is committed to working by our seven cornerstones:

  • We put people first in a climate of growth and opportunity and provide empowerment and respect to all those we support.
  • We take ownership and pride in everything we do and are honest and forthright in our words and actions.
  • We listen and act decisively and we seek information by listening carefully and openly to others and committing to action.
  • We understand that good people make the difference and are the key to our success. We recognise and encourage the value of individuals and teams.
  • We seek to find new ways of constantly improving and doing things better, using a positive spirit to succeed.
  • We act with integrity. We uphold high standards of honesty and treat people with fairness and respect.
  • We trust, motivate, inspire and challenge each other in a collaborative team environment.

Diversity statement

At McKenzie Aged Care we treat everyone with respect and dignity to ensure their individual needs, goals and preferences are at the centre of everything we do. We value each person’s identity, culture and diversity and support them to maintain that identity, exercise choice and independence, and live the life they choose.

*Diversity is defined as: the specific social, cultural, linguistic, religious, spiritual, sexuality, psychological, medical, and care needs of each individual.