Thoughts & Memories: Rose


Bribie Cove resident, Rose has recently celebrated her 100th birthday. She shares with us some words of wisdom and memories of her life leading up to this milestone birthday.

What are some of your best memories?

‘The day I married the boy next door is my best memory. His name was Harry. Another memory was when my husband bought a tandem bike as he knew I had never ridden a bike before. Harry and I went everywhere on the bike. Windsor Castle was our favourite ride’.

Why do you think you’ve lived to be 100?

‘My mother lived until she was 99, I think that has helped. I didn’t live a dull life – but I wasn’t wild either’.

What’s your best advice to young people?

‘Be good to your parents and to try and always make friends, and help people when you can’.

Where were you born and where did you live when you were a child?

‘I was born and grew up in London. My mother told me that I was born with the sound of bow bells from the Bethnal Green’.

What was the best invention in your life? 

‘The TV, buses and underground trains’.

What do you like about living at Bribie Cove?
‘I can be my own person, I have freedom to do my own thing, I like the other people who live here and the staff are friendly and helpful, and I feel safe to express myself’.

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