Corporate governance

The systems and processes that formalise our commitment to best practice

Since the inception of McKenzie Aged Care in 1998, the partnership has exhibited strong governance processes, not normally associated with a family or non-corporate business.

From its early days, McKenzie has embraced and pursued the adoption of IT and business systems to deliver and support care delivery, quality systems and strong financial management.

McKenzie has also adopted corporate standard governance processes, with formal committee structures and external advisors to provide depth and experience. These structures include a formal Leadership Team process, a Finance committee and a Risk and Audit committee, of which all three include external professional advisors and consultants.

Further, McKenzie has enjoyed trusted advisor relationships with its ‘first tier’ and reputable accountants, legal advisors and auditors (KPMG). This demonstrates the discipline, formal governance and risk management culture the group has adopted.

McKenzie demonstrates strong governance and formal risk management processes so that it benefits from conservative and quality decision-making concerning its operations and strategic direction.

McKenzie is committed to maintaining a high standard of corporate governance through a culture of strong ethical behaviour and corporate compliance.  Employees and subcontractors must fulfill their roles and responsibilities with honesty and integrity.